Music Production

Original Composition

Providing Memories With Music

A well-directed and well-crafted visual content needs expertly composed and produced music to drive home a message. Think about your favourite movies or advertisements that you cannot seem to forget. What is the one thing in common among all your favourite audio-visual content? Good Music.

Original music composition is an invaluable creative facet. Whether you’re a business looking to develop a catchy jingle, a director looking for the perfect music to drive home the emotional appeal of a scene, or a broadcaster in need of good jazz to fill the air, the value of good original composition cannot be denied.

If you need an excellent original musical composition for your next big project, contact Lazy Bear Media. Mr Sukalpa Basu and his highly trained musicians and music producers with expert knowledge of music theory can create original musical compositions for ads, short films, radio, TV, websites, and social media content.

We will closely coordinate with you and your team to realize the sound, style, and mood you’re attempting to capture. Upon understanding your goals, we begin our process by viewing a sample of your media, which can be ads, podcasts, films, and other musical artists who inspire you. Next comes the ideation phase, where our music composers will discuss ideas with you to capture your vision. After coming to terms with an idea, we will compose an entirely original musical piece that will resonate with your target listeners.

Lyrics Writing

Let The Music Speak!

Are you having trouble expressing your ideas and emotions in words? Say goodbye to writer’s block. Lazy Bear Media’s talented lyricists will help you turn your thoughts into words and tell stories that will communicate and resonate with your listeners.

Lyric writing is art for demands the attention of experienced writers. Lazy Bear’s lyricists are churned in hundreds, of lyrics at songs of various genres. It masters rhyming schemes, syllabic patterns, symmetry, and articulation of lyrics during their years of work.

Therefore, whether you are a singer, a brand, a film production company, or a television producer, our writers guarantee lyrics that will perfectly capture the essence of your vision.

Our lyricists will work on what is needed in your music, help you hone in on the right kinds of songs for your voice, and explore the fringes of your sound. Also, act as a sounding board to fine-tune your overall message.

For brands looking to spice up than message corporates anthems, jingles and video advertisements, our lyricists will conduct market research, and write lyrics that will ring in your listeners’ ears.

Finally, for film and TV producers looking for the perfect lyrics to capture the emotion of visual content, our creative lyricists with their experience, skills and pens, are ready of service.

Vibe with your listeners with the Lazy Bear Media. Contact us to know more.

feel free to contact us

Discover and let the world know about your musical potential with our production team. We’re here to bring your music to the next level. Let’s collaborate and create something extraordinary together. Get in touch with us now!