Studio Recording


Lazy Bear welcomes you to our studio to try our industry-standard consoles, microphones, and excellent studio infrastructure; and have a chance to work with experienced music producers and audio engineers.

Here is why you should choose Lazy Bear Media’s recording studio for your next session –

  • Knowledge & Experience – Our producers and sound engineers have clocked in thousands of hours of recording in different styles of music. Therefore, whatever may be your genre of choice, our industry experts will help you realize the recording of your dreams.
  • Top-Notch Equipment – The quality of your sweet vocals and guitar solos depends heavily on the type of equipment used to record them. Therefore, your perfectly timed and pitched high notes may sound like that of the average joe if the equipment fails to capture the richness of your voice. Lazy Bear Media provides you with all the industry-standard recording apparatus needed to help you capture your sound the way you want.
  • Acoustics – The recording environment is another reason you should come to our studio. Sound needs space to propagate and resonate. Therefore, an acoustically treated and soundproofed studio is essential for quality recording. Our studio infrastructure ensures your high-end stays crisp, mid-range warm, and bass response tight.


With an experienced team of sound engineers and the latest editing software, Lazy Bear Media offers a wide range of audio editing services. Our industry experts have years of experience working on various projects, including corporate audio, audio programs and music.

Editing is an essential music production process where the audio is cleaned after the recording. The method includes the removal of any unwanted noises and rearranging or extending and reducing different parts of the song to help them fit better. Our engineer also perfects the timing of the different instruments to ensure a tighter recording.

The extent and effectiveness of this phase entirely depend on the quality of your recording session.


Mixing is an essential process where the artist’s vision gets realized. After editing and cleaning up the audio file, the final mix is developed by processing and balancing all audio tracks. The process demands a lot of creative input and can result in the original recordings sounding completely different.

Here are some common effects that we use during mixing:

  • EQ – We use this effect to boost or remove specific frequencies.
  • Reverb – The effect puts a sound further back in the mix.
  • Delay – The effect makes a sound echo or repeat
  • Compression – The effect reduces the ‘dynamic range’ between the quietest part and the loudest part of the audio.

These effects ensure that the different elements of your music blend better with each other in the mix, rendering a quality and cohesive track.


Now comes the final part, the final touch to make your music ready to be played across all devices boasting the same quality you heard in the studio. Mastering is a blend of technology, psychoacoustics, educated ears, and musical intuition. In the right hands, the smallest increase of compression or equalization can have a significant impact on your track.

Through their years of experience in music production, Lazy Bear’s mastering engineers have developed the essential skills and techniques that ensure your music will achieve the quality it deserves.

If you are planning to produce an entire EP or album, our mastering process will make sure that your songs sonically fit well together from start to finish. Once complete, we convert your tracks to their appropriate sample rate/bit depth (MP3, AIFF & WAV being the most common).

Contact us to know more.

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Discover and let the world know about your musical potential with our production team. We’re here to bring your music to the next level. Let’s collaborate and create something extraordinary together. Get in touch with us now!